Our Services


Medical Consultation

This service will provide patients with medical diagnosis and treatment options for arthritis, autoimmune diseases as well as osteoporosis.


Physical Therapy

Focused on improving function, this service will use specialized techniques to address common musculoskeletal conditions.


Therapeutic Modalities

Low-level laser therapy and Shockwave therapy is offered to reduce acute and chronic joint and/or muscle pain.


Gait assessment

By studying the timing and biomechanics of how one walks, this service can identify and treat conditions associated with back and lower leg pain.


Custom Orthotics Assessment

Custom foot orthotics is offered to address and minimize imbalances from poor foot biomechanics, reduce lower extremity discomfort and improve gait.


Ergonomic Assessment

This service will provide patients with assessment of work environment with education of healthy work practices, stretches and exercises with focus on injury prevention


Dietary Counselling

This service will provide patients with strategies to promote healthy eating/weight management, nutritional advice for chronic conditions (ie. Arthritis, Gout, Type 2 Diabetes) and individualized, evidence-based recommendation to promote good health through nutrition.



This service combines Western and Eastern medicine to provide holistic care, addressing root causes, promoting wellness, alleviating pain, and managing stress through the application of small needles or pressure to specific points on the body.

We welcome you to book an appointment with our health professionals today!

Referral Form

Healthcare Providers as well as Interested patients can refer to our clinic for services using the referral form below. You will be contacted by our clinic for more details.

You can download our Referral Form in PDF format here.